Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nail Infections

Nail infections are caused by a fungus and are sometimes hard to treat. This infection can be spread by the use of manicure tools. So, to help aid in the prevention of getting nail infections always be sure that the equipment used on your nails is clean. Wearing shoes that do not push the toenails into the skin can also help in the prevention of nail infection. Remember to wash your hands and nails when you come in contact with any type of debris and wear some type of shoe in public showers. Keeping your nails clean and debris free is essential in prevention of nail infection.
There are different types of pharmaceutical drugs you can use that are effective on nail infections. Most of them do have side effects, so it would be best to talk with your physician with any and all concerns you may have.
There are some folk remedies that have been used over the years that have helped a lot of people with nail infections.
Using a mixture of apple cider vinegar composed of 2 quarts of warm water, 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, and 10 drops of lavender essential oil, soak the nail with the infection for 15 minutes a day. The ACV found in apple vinegar restores the correct pH balance to your skin, thus making it more resistant to nail infection. Antimicrobial properties are found in the Lavender Oil. Be sure to dry the area completely and then use a hair dryer on the warm setting. Afterwards, you can use a mixture of tea tree oil and lavender in equal parts to dab on the nail.
Another home remedy for nail infection is grapefruit seed extract. This is a powerful antimicrobial product and is also a wonderful disinfectant. Use 100 drops of the extract to 2 ounces of water and apply to the infected nail with a cotton ball or swab two or three times per day.
A great natural antibiotic for nail infection is tea tree oil. This tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. This oil contains antiseptic and anti fungal compounds that are effective in disinfecting the skin. To use, apply the tree oil on the affected nail 2 to 3 times per day until the nail has grown out. This may take up to 6 months for fingernails and as long as 12 months for toenails.

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